1-877-439-3348 info@epcc.ca

September 30, 2024

Dear Friends:

On September 26, a coalition of disability organizations and two plaintiffs launched a Charter challenge to Canada’s euthanasia law. They are challenging the Track 2 euthanasia cases whereby the person is not dying and whose death is not reasonably foreseeable. The challenge is not ignoring Track 1 cases whereby the person is terminally ill but the plaintiffs and the disability organizations recognize how the Track 2 cases have negatively impacted the lives and equality of Canadians with disabilities. This challenge by the disability organizations follows the euthanasia lobby court challenge on August 19 to force Canada’s federal government to approve euthanasia for mental illness alone and another court challenge on June 17 to force all medical institutions in Canada, including religiously affiliated institutions, to provide euthanasia. The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition (EPC) is preparing to intervene in each of these court challenges.

Good news! On September 19, a New Jersey (NJ) judge dismissed an assisted suicide lobby case and upheld the NJ residency requirement in their assisted suicide law. The assisted suicide lobby was trying to force New Jersey to permit assisted suicide of people in neighbouring states, such as New York, where assisted suicide is prohibited.

More good news! On September 20, Delaware’s Governor John Carney vetoed assisted suicide House Bill (HB) 140. EPC lobbied Governor Carney and we are now urging our supporters to thank him for saving lives.

A few months ago, a woman named Heather contacted EPC about being pressured to “request” euthanasia. Her story is not uncommon. EPC has produced cards for you or your group to order and distribute in your community, Church, etc. This campaign is designed to remind people that, “Your life is worth living! Euthanasia is not the answer.” and to encourage people who have a personal story to share it with us. Order the cards for $25 for 100 or $40 for 200. Bulk prices are available.

EPC is working with Compassionate Community Care (CCC) to host a healing retreat on November 20 for anyone who has lost someone to euthanasia. The retreat is at St. John the Compassionate Mission in Toronto. For more information and to register, email assist@stmarysrefuge.org

Thank you to the people who donated to EPC during the summer months. Many donated in recognition of my 25 years of service to protecting people. EPC needs your continued support, more than ever, to make a difference. EPC is preparing interventions in multiple important court cases and we continue to work to protect people from euthanasia.

Alex Schadenberg
Executive Director

Sign the Declaration of Hope Opposing Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide:


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